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Would you like to volunteer to teach adults French, English or Spanish, in a spirit of mutual aid and knowledge sharing? We are constantly looking to expand our team. Here are the available positions:

  • Teacher - the teacher plans lessons using the textbooks and teaches them adapting them to the online format.

  • Assistant  - the assistant supports the teacher by taking care of the technological and logistical aspects of the class. In collaboration with the teacher, he or she divides students into small groups, shares the screen, makes annotations or writes on the chalkboard, notes attendance, sends the report, etc.

  • Co-teacher - two people jointly plan and facilitate the classes.


For these positions, the commitment is 3 hours per week over 6 weeks for French and English, and 3 hours per week over 12 weeks for Spanish.


  • Monitor - two people jointly facilitate the conversation workshops.

For this position, the commitment is 1 hour per week over 6 weeks for French and English and 1 hour per week over 12 weeks for Spanish.

Video directed by Marites Carino


Some of our courageous volunteers from last session share about their experience teaching online :

A huge thank you to Video Signatures for this video! 


more info

  • Online, classes include a maximum of 12 students.

  • We offer 4 levels, from beginner to high intermediate.

  • The course clientele is diverse and mainly composed of newcomers.

  • In addition to contributing to the integration of newcomers, each volunteer benefits from pedagogical training and supervision, and the opportunity to study one of the three languages in the program free of charge.

Are you interested in this challenge? Click here to download the application form and send it to volunteer[at]


. 3 Seasonal farmers' markets

. Duluth in the Arts, music festival

. Growing the Plateau

. International Day of Peace

For more information, see the menu: Events

For more information on volunteering for our events, contact : Vincent


Environ 5000 objets s'échangent par an et retrouvent une seconde vie grâce à la Cabane de l’amitié, qui héberge également un organisme de distribution alimentaire gratuite.


Si vous voulez contribuer à ce merveilleux programme anti-gaspillage, d’entraide et de solidarité, devenez bénévole en donnant de l’amour à la Cabane de l’amitié, quelques heures pas semaine.

​Contactez Vincent

cabane de l'amitié

day to day

Aidez-nous dans notre quotidien : à la réception pour l'accueil clientèle ou à la cuisine pour nos repas communautaires.

Contactez Dora-Marie

au quotidien

For more information and to become a volunteer, contact John

food security

Les mardis, vendredis et quelques samedis, nos partenaires ont besoin d'aide pour la distribution alimentaire : transport, déchargement, distribution, sollicitation chez les commerçants etc.

Contactez Racine croisée ou
Partage & Solidarité

For more information, visit the website of Partage et solidarité by clicking here

Racine Croisée website by clicking here

distribution alimentaire
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